These last months I have been walking in a circling path. Apparently, the landscape across the path seems to change, as it happens with the circumstances in life. But the path, the land I am stepping on, is always exactly the same. It is a path of understanding and oblivion . Understanding and then forgetting which only brings a great despair and a strong longing. How is it possible to have seen/experienced the falsehood of a belief and that some time afterwards this belief rises again as something true and identification comes back? This is absurd! Is this happening because of the strength of habit? Is this happening because there really was not any understanding? Why..? I feel lost. Now it looks as if I see that there is a claiming of the understanding and that which claims is that which is desperate and it now rises as a victim of oblivion. And understanding is not in the nature of this little “I”. And in this path of inquiry, how thinking can approach Truth? How can that which is limited access to that which is unlimited? There is something pretentious and arrogant in this. Thanks for your words. Patri
Dear Patri,
You asked:
It is not possible, if the falsehood of a belief has been fully seen. It is possible, if it has been fleetingly, incompletely seen. You need to firmly establish our understanding/experiencing of what you are through the investigation/meditation process until thoughts, feelings and sense perceptions loose the power to disturb your peace.
The only thinking that can approach Truth is the thinking that originates directly from Truth. Thought cannot have access to Truth, but a thought can dissolve in its understanding (litterally that which “stands under” it) which is the experience of Truth. That which is limited, the thought, cannot comprehend that which is unlimited and embraces all things, the universal awareness. That which is pretentious and arrogant is to believe to be a limited thinker, a limited decider, a limited doer and fail to see that only the Absolute truly exists, thinks, decides and does. That’s why it is called the Creator, because it creates all things, (not only some things), including thoughts, decisions and deeds.