Dear Francis,
This is a excellent and insightful reply to my 2 questions. Thank you.
In your answer here there is perhaps a point which it may be helpful to clarify. You say that in cases of an incomplete glimpse “the central knot of separation” has failed to be eliminated. The implication here of the expression “central knot” does seem to suggest a central or fundamental point on which the main sense of separation is dependent. Now if it is the case, as you very reasonably assert, that they are “both equally important” - the dissolution of ‘ignorance’ or the separate self sense in regard to both intellectual identity and felt identity - the question arises where is this
“central knot”? Is it of the ‘cognitive-intellectual-mind’ system or of the ‘feeling-somatic’ system?
{{ Not wishing to put words in your mouth - heaven forfend! - is not the ‘heart’ the heart of the matter? I remember in ‘Eternity Now’ (was it?) something about monkeys swinging from branch to branch then having the good sense, apparently, to let go and then finding themselves falling into the heart. There was also some mention about the heart being the true centre and the final destination. I acknowledge your point about ‘half-baked’ devotional types where there is a surrender at the heart level but no cognitive ‘understanding’, but, that said, there is a strong sense here that the heart is key and central. Again, I’m reminded of the ‘logion’ or statement from which my questions arose:
<< 67. When Atman, the sun of understanding, rises in the space of the heart, it disperses darkness; permeating all and sustaining all, it shines, and all is light. >>
sun - centre, heart of solar system
heart - centre, core of feeling-somatic system }}
Dear Alan,
Why try to dissociate Intelligence, Love and Beauty? Aren’t in fact one as the experience of our true nature? When we are poetically inspired, I agree with you, Heart is a better word for it than Reason. But on those days when we are logically inclined, it may seem too fuzzy, even for fuzzy logicians.
Let’s go now to the heart of your question:
“Now if it is the case, as you very reasonably assert, that they are”both equally important" - the dissolution of ‘ignorance’ or the separate self sense in regard to both intellectual identity and felt identity - the question arises where is this “central knot”? Is it of the ‘cognitive-intellectual-mind’ system or of the ‘feeling-somatic’ system?"
You have a rope with a big knot in the middle that seems to separate the rope in two halves. One half is known as the cognitive-mind half and the other as the feeling-body part. You can start untying it from either side. Once it has been untied, there is only the rope, there has ever been only the rope.
Where was the central knot?
On the rope.