man, I LOVE Sigue Sigue Sputnik so MUCH!!!! they're almost as good as Catholic Discipline then why don't you marry it cause I want to marry you, Mack ewh <[enki]> I think you had that one coming, Mack. <[enki]> Besides, I told you he'd get the wrong impression if you sent him those chocolates. * Fiction makes moon eyes at mack * [enki] shakes his head. <[enki]> I knew this would happen. * Fiction writes bad poetry about his love for mack * [enki] preps the firehose. * Fiction buys a harley and a tshirt that says: "if you can read this, Mack fell off" on the back someday I'll buy you a cubic-zirconium ring and we can move to a trailer in Rock Springs Wyoming we'll be so happy! <[enki]> And you'll drive a 78 Camaro to work. YEAH! only "work" is hanging out at the local high school selling crank to teenagers SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL OF YOU JUST SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH someone is going to die and mack can learn how to make casseroles with potato chips in them <[enki]> And get denim fringe jackets. and we'll drink coors I hate you guys cheer up, I'll get some real wood panelling to put up in our trailer or at least I'll tell you it's real and we'll live on food stamps but have 300 channels of DirectTV I hate you all c'mon baby, you're hot with a capital HO! <[enki]> LOL *** MaCk has quit IRC