Electroly:  It died on me once and wouldn't restart.  I had to ps -aux or whatever the fuck it is and kill the process.  Then it started fine. ah, nothing good old `ps aux | grep Proteus | awk '{print $2 }' | xargs kill -9` won't fix. much better, that worked. * Gandalf stares at Electroly And I thought I was a Unix dork. Yeah, it was so much less effort to do that then to type a command, quickly see the process and kill it by PID :) you are a unix dork Balatro: there were like 10 Proteus processes, dude. Funny, I had 1 ;) dunno where these all came from, but i killed them all. now all is well Electroly: I understand ps, grep, and xargs. Explain how that awk thinger works, though? :) Gandalf: awk is pretty simple.  it treats the stdin as a bunch of columns and lets you reformat the output.  { print $n } is typical, where n is the column number to print out. AWK AWK MOTHER FUCKER it uses whitespace as the column delimiter by default, but you can change that by some argument to it ah, and in ps aux the PID is the second column, thus $2, right? yup you can do other stuff with awk, like awk '{ print "Whee!  The PID for " $10 " is " $2 "!" }' It makes me hot when you talk unix. rm -rf /home/Balatro That's /homo/Balatro, honey :)