hold on we made charts of our class schedules WHERE THEY DON'T OVERLAP THERE'S WACKING TIME thats why i didnt go away to college i could never have a roommate jerking off would be way too awkward Ny, I imagine everyone does it in the shower So hygiene benefits from awkwardness Or just get a girlfriend that 's so inconvenient when I 've got 8+ gigs of video porn on my HDD! guilty: can u get waterproof pron? Having sex with a girl wouldnt be nearly as awkward in front of someone it would be to me Its called your imagination, nick hmm on mondays, wednesdays and fridays i can wack it i won 't be anywhere around i 'll be in class so he can do whatever the fuck he wants, as long as my stuff is still clean when i get home Snow is so honest He says right in front of his roomate "On monday and friday I'll be masturbating while you're at class" i won't come back early