�+ GearSlayr � and my cat shits on the floor now too cause she's getting old �+ GearSlayr � if its not near a litter box it just shits. it did it on the stairs once and i slipped on it and almost broke my neck �+ GearSlayr � i'd love to kill that cat myself. �+ GearSlayr � fuck it, it'll have depends on or something �+ GearSlayr � thats what i'll do �+ GearSlayr � i'll tie a diaper to my cats ass �+ GearSlayr � or a bag or something �+ GearSlayr � can you picture that? �+ GearSlayr � that would be the most pathetic thing ever �+ NathanRomulus � your cat will sit and tear it off �+ GearSlayr � yeah probably �+ NathanRomulus � and then proceed to crap on your floor �+ GearSlayr � seriously though that cat needs to be put down �+ GearSlayr � its like 17 years old � syrup6 � wow � syrup6 � old as fart �+ GearSlayr � and damn... you'd think my dog could just drag its ass outside after it takes a shit... BUT NOOOOO �+ GearSlayr � i know just what my dog thinks... "how can i piss him off... i know.. i'll drag my ass right next to his computer so he HAS to clean up the skid mark!" �+ GearSlayr � longest skid mark that dog ever made was 12 feet... it was so amazing i had to measure it �+ GearSlayr � i should've taken pictures �+ GearSlayr � it was fucking hilarious