I bent my glasses =/ lol I need new ones anyways you are supposed to take them off during sex Jerec What is the fun in that! then I can't see you ! what you can't see you can always feel... besides if you are seeing or feeling me it must be in your dreams cuz you are a lil far away for anything else hehe :P hey only show me your tongue if you intend to use it * Jerec takes Lady_Sharlintier into a private room LOL * Lady_Sharlintier stuffs Jerec back into his pod... not done yet * Jerec sulks inside his pod I think you need to hibernate for awhile longer :) why so? Age a few more years :) Note: While hibernating, you will age more slowly than her. yeah and when he comes out I will be on geritol how about i put you  In the pod?:) I'm strange enough without being a pod person :) aww come on :D