ianepson: heh one time i was camping up in the mountains and there were these wierd sounds ianepson: and i had my guitar with me...... ianepson: somthing compelled me to play the theme to deliverance Metal Mantis X: lol Metal Mantis X: lmfao ianepson: i half expected some guy to come out of the trees and make me squeel like a piggai Metal Mantis X: lol ianepson: my dad comes out and is like wtf are you doin? ur gonna get us all raped. ianepson: sure enough these dudes come rollin by in a van honkin the horn.... wavin and hollerin..... ianepson: SQEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLL ianepson: lol then we ended up jammin and this dude was askin me to play Nirvana Metal Mantis X: heh good thing you didn't play "Rape Me"