<@DrFurious> -prince- [Global Notice] Tonight we mourn the loss of a ZiRC user. One not everybody knew, but those who did know him loved and thought of him as a nice person. robert^, took his own life, of why, I do not know other than the pain and suffering he had dealt with in his life. R.I.P Robert, 1985 - 2002 (WE WILL ALL MISS YOU!) HIS NAME IS ROBERT ARROW-POINTING-UP HIS NAME IS ROBERT ARROW-POINTING-UP HIS NAME IS ROBERT ARROW-POINTING-UP <@DrFurious> i need to kill myself so i can be featured in a global notice <@DrFurious> i'll be famous omg lets do a group suicide they better give us each our own notice though <@rincewind1013> i'm in if your in <@DrFurious> maybe we can stagger them to make sure my mom sure will be proud