me and my buds lit a car on fire once- kinda by accident but it was fun to watch the gas tank blow up. lol :-)  where did this happen? we were out playing pranks on one of our friends when we saw our principles's car- he was a TOTAL ass, and we all hated him. Was a drop top, and the dude left the top open. We climbed n and started fucking with the car, when somehow the cifggarette lighter wnt itm goit red hot, fell out and lit the floormats ablaze Never ran so fast from anything in my life. After we got about 2 miles away we turned just in time to see the gas tank go. hahahhahaaha and uhh, you never got caught? nope. No one saw us(for some wierd reason) lol Man, that dude was HEATED the day after at school. He dragged us all into the auditorium and we spent 6 hours there. I mean the whole school, in a crowded auditorium, and he wouldnt lets us leave until someone confessed. No one did, and when school did end the superintendent was waiting for the principal. He was promptly fired for keepoing us in that room for 6 hours. Talk about insult after injury.