(peregrine): you know (peregrine): if i ever setup an fserv (peregrine): i should make my trigger the destructicon (Chimerasame): i'm amused by people whose triggers are like *** Chimerasame has quit IRC (Quit: I AM A FAGGOT) *** Chimerasame (chime@resnet-46-92.dorm.utexas.edu) has joined #rpgamer2 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Chimerasame (xeria): really? (Breianna): WTF is that (peregrine): i'm really not sure (Chimerasame): ok, chalk one up for the dumbest thing i've done, ever (Ultimate_Houseplant): dumbass! *** Chimerasame has quit IRC (Quit: ignore that quit message) *** Chimerasame (chime@resnet-46-92.dorm.utexas.edu) has joined #rpgamer2 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Chimerasame