!@)#(%&#R i absolutely DETEST doing tech support for pseudo-management "hey, i can't log in, it says my password is invalid or something, can you come upstairs and check?" so i go up and her bloody capslock is on i mean like, wtf they need to make Windows DE - Dummies Edition that will pull up all of the damn error messages BIG and BRIGHT along with the possible causes and bright colours hahaha poor tn =) what's pseudo abt the management? everything., what did u say to her? "your capslock was on.  try again." awww. that's too nice =) i agree i haven't received my increment yet though. bah tn, you're no bofh thats for sure, you shouldve claimed her computer had an unhealthy color so it must contain a virus and then you shouldve smashed it to pieces that would have wasted too much time.  i have better things to do, like access her email now that i've seen the password ;] lol. from her typing? of course i'm not that good =( when ppl type one finger at a time... ^^