<+sp0re> most CS players are illiterate <+sp0re> infact nearly everyone on the internet is <@nem0r> sp0re <@nem0r> its alliterate <+sp0re> no <+sp0re> illiterate <@nem0r> nah <@nem0r> alliterate <+sp0re> shut up <+[IRF]Peng> illiterate nem0r :P <+DCCwis> alliterate <+DCCwis> lol <+sp0re> he's a n00b <@nem0r> smb <+DCCwis> so if you were sick you'd say i'm "all" <@nem0r> forget it <@nem0r> fucking n00b clan anyway * Parts: nem0r (dopedealer@host217-41-6-148.in-addr.btopenworld.com) <+sp0re> you can tell the CS players from a mile