Joe Fox : you know in multiplayer FPS', how in multiplayer their names go above their heads Nanaki_ZPilot_assassin : yeah Joe Fox : they need that in real life Nanaki_ZPilot_assassin : LOL Joe Fox : and you know how you can veiw peoples pings Joe Fox : well, life needs that too, but for IQ not ping Darth_Bowser : shit Darth_Bowser : most of the IQs would be very low Joe Fox : and life needs respawning too Darth_Bowser : =P Joe Fox : damnit, life needs to be a FPS Darth_Bowser : heh Darth_Bowser : that would be amusing Joe Fox : where i have like a "cable" brain and everyone else has "56k" brains Darth_Bowser : *cough* =P Joe Fox : and you have a 128k brain