Number-6:  i should get a PO box while i'm at the post office angryskul: ok angryskul: so my dad had a PO box angryskul: but not at the post office, at this little photo/copy mailbox kinkos like place angryskul: anyhow, he also used to get voicemail there because he didnt' want his insane clients calling the house angryskul: he used to have to reach over the counter to grab his voicemail angryskul: after a while he got the guy to install a phone inside his box angryskul: one day he's all checking his mail, then he reaches in and pulls out the phone angryskul: punches in some numbers angryskul: then he notices this dude _staring_  at him angryskul: anyhow, so he finishes, puts the phone back into the box and locks it angryskul: outside the guy catches up with him and is all like.. angryskul: "are you in mossad?" angryskul: (israeli secret police)