Hey guys, i need u to help me solve the porblem i got k, shoot well i really like this girl and i want to impress her should i buy her a rose? lol, if u wana say u like her with a rose all ure saying is "I'm cheap" o shit, should i buy her a bouquet then? no cuz then she'll think ure just trying to buy her over then what do i do damnit, this is like the first girl ive ever really liked buy her some chocolates. U cant go wrong with chocolates, i say when in doubt look to the chocolate. ok thanks man bye :) uhh u sure thats a good motto to live by? no ha ha but hes gonna fatten this girl up real nice and then he'll either 1) dump her or 2) she'll get desperate and settle with a loser like him who can't even deal with what to get a girl on a date. way to "let your heart decide." ha ha yea what a dumbass