Hey...I need to ask you guys something. Sleep or Trigun? masturbation -=X c. masturbation i'm not male. girls can masturbate too Kuroko: what, women don't masturbate? lies spoon:she's 12 CrackPr0n-EET-NoPants: it's not stopping you. :P what does stop me? my mum also has a lovely habit of checking on everyone late at night. * Yukanojo thinks this conversation falls under the category of "Reasons Parents Keep Kids Off the Internet" Kuroko:that's what locks are for trigun i can explain. irc i can explain. but...yeah... Crack: she has the keys. or "I had an itch... that's all" hahahaha psssh, while she's unlocking the door, pull your panties up * Smugami wonders what he's stumbled into ... o.O and just sit in a blanket ... * Kuroko will spend the entire night trying to erase this conversation from her memory Thanks for helping me decide.