That bot was from Russia. And there's a e-mail address, as well! it begins... And a name. Eeeeeeenteresting. so, it seems we are having a new cold war now yeah but it will not be fought on our lands, or our seas, or in the air, but in our homes, on IRC SAQ vs SOVIETS They struck first, with porn-bots.  But will the americans retaliate? WE SHALL RETALIATE but porn-bots we won't send, but email viruses! Mmm macros and attachments most vile. we will contract the best hackers that china has to offer, then we do a preemptive strike on russia with a low level version of klez then, when their defenses are down, we do a full on retaliatory strike with a modified version of the "Love Bug" virus Contact CNN, they'll have to get to work on their theme music.