just heard a funny story from my mom just now she works as a teacher and in one of her classes, it started to smell like dog poo so she made everyone check their shoes, but they were all clean so she went to the head of year and got her to check everyones shoes but they were all clean still the smell was coming from the radiator area, so she asked the caretaker to check it out while he was doing that, she sent everyone outside but it still smelt in the corridor and she traced the smell to some girl and she checked her shoes, but they were clean she goes "you smell a little whiffy today, go to the toilets and check yourself out" so she walks off and the smell goes when she gets back, she goes to my mom with a big smile on her face, and says "sorry miss, i poo'd my panties" this is a year 11 girl, like 17 years old :P