(peer is an op on IRCNet #mirc...) * Rose_w (~Personal@c-134-84-89.f.dial.de.ignite.net) has joined #mirc *** [10054] Connection reset by peer It's no Joke more I can't smile about this <@Zardos> The server calls all clients for peers  - thus the peer the message refers to is actually your own client. <@Zardos> What probably happens is, that your connection to the server has problems. <@Shustrik> no, actually it's Your client who refers to the server as the peer; ) <@Zardos> either your isp or someone else on the network - perhaps the irc server itself.. so you mean that i can chat without proplens <@peer> Rose_w, you want my address? peer i want an Answer geez this sounds way to serious and i no be undrestanding anything  so alhoa <@peer> <-- scared <@Shustrik> Rose_w if You think peer is abusing Your connection, You can contact IRC ops for help <@Zardos> as I have explained to Rose_w, we have tried to talk you out of disconnecting people..   i want only chat without problems you unterstand ;) i have this server so long and i haven't this problems till today just a moment please Hello  Peer. I would like gladly unimpaired chat. But if you always do not break my connection off go that. I apologize also for itwhich I was so sour. You must understand me. It nervt if you to start continuously again must. my Gramatikal is so terible sorry [21:47:48] * YaN- (plotkin@bzq-70-4.red.bezeqint.net) Quit (Connection reset by peer) - you think that is peer to? yes i think so isn't it ...