-!- xINSANEx [ludacris@ilmtps27.shawneelink.net] has joined #php < xINSANEx> Can someone please go to my website and test the counter? < xINSANEx> i need to make sure its working properly.. i just fixed the php code < Inominate> xINSANEx: No i cant < Inominate> I'd like to but am unable to < horros> Inominate: me neither. < horros> i really have the urge to check out your counter, xINSANEx, but i'm not able to. < xINSANEx> heh.. oh well no biggy < Inominate> lol < xINSANEx> i hate to bother fuckos like you -!- xINSANEx [ludacris@ilmtps27.shawneelink.net] has left #php [] < horros> hahahaha < Inominate> hahahahahahahah < Inominate> ROFL