Rimbaud: oh my god Rimbaud: do you have half a minute? tlaryko: yes. what? Rimbaud: I just opened a package for the office Rimbaud: addressed to ________(1) Rimbaud: I thought it was toner Rimbaud: :/ Rimbaud: HARDCORE DVD GAY PORN tlaryko: ?!?!?!?!?!?! :-)) Rimbaud: He's not here, thank god Rimbaud: We're all pissing ourselves laughing Rimbaud: I taped it back up tlaryko: poor puggy! Rimbaud: Seriously grim front cover too Rimbaud: I'm disturbed tlaryko: can i tell my sister? this is too funny Rimbaud: sure tlaryko: oh I had a mighty good chuckle. Rimbaud: _______(2) was barely surprised Rimbaud: Although she's still laughing hysterically Rimbaud: Apparently my reaction was funny tlaryko: what was your reaction? Rimbaud: Before I had finished opening it, I made some comment about it probably being gay porn for _________(1) Rimbaud: Then it was Rimbaud: And I sort of screamed in fright tlaryko: hehehehehehehehe