"I must rescue the bunny and feed her the daily amount of carrots!" * Tancients encounters Serajadeyn!  *Screen spins and boss music starts playing* * Serajadeyn dresses his stolen bunny in harem outfits and has her lavishing in comforts in the top of the tower. . .surrounded by silks and burning braizers, a wine cooler type stand next to the pillows with cold fresh carrots XD O_o * Serajadeyn laughs at Tancients and hits him once doing quad 9 dmg * Tancients counters the attack with long-named sword and returns the damage twice-fold! Ha! * Serajadeyn sucks up the damage, cackles and grabs Tancients, tossing him from the top of the tower: scripted battle; you loose * Tancients is glad he saved up all his extra lives for this battle.  Regenerate ring:  God powers applied! * Tancients casts Ultima ultimate imprisonment; customization: 1 prison cell for Serajadeyn. * Serajadeyn taunts the would-be hero with a booming, evil voice; "YOU SHALL NEVAR RESCUE TEH BUNNY" (unfortunately it was the t/l's day off and some grad student filled in the script over the japanese taunts * Tancients strikes at Serajadeyn with his long-named sword.  It shatters.  A stagehand quickly runs a new replacement for him. @_o; :P What can I say, the quality of props seems to be decreasing with budget cuts.