[03:25:01] <@holden> damnit i shit myself [04:04:39] <@holden> god that took forever to clean up [04:05:08] <@holden> seriously.. shitting yourself at 4 am is gay [04:05:20] <@holden> i was sitting here minding my own business [04:05:24] <@holden> and blam! [04:05:28] <@holden> all this shit comes out.. [04:05:31] <@holden> i was like.. WTF [04:05:49] <@holden> and its all liquidy and running around my junk [04:06:01] <@holden> and i'm sitting here like.. well fuck [04:06:34] <@holden> so i get up.. and its all running down my leg.. so i hobble off to the bathroom, so as not to disjar it anymore [04:06:40] <@holden> jakdflakjsdf [04:06:52] <@holden> i can only pray this doesnt happen to someone else [04:07:54] <@holden> i think it was the pizza i ate last night D: