heh man I was soo about to smack some fuck over the head on the train. there was this guy, he said he was a hacker and like quoting him "dude, to get into a computer, you can guess a password, which is like a 5 in 1000000 chance, but what I do is guess the backdoor" he said alot more shit but got off before I could get to him and on the bus there was this retard saying he was a hacker and a nun goes to him "do you use email?" he says "errr, ddd yy yes.. out l ll llook express" then "hey, i have a jj j jjoke" "what does 'www' mean?" "ww w world wide wait!" I'm like "shut the fuck up you stupid fuck" and he started crying. the bus driver pulled the bus over got up and asked me to get off I was all hyped up from the fucks on the train.