* Yugi_moto take out his card deck   Yu-Gi-Oh is fricking hilarious.   the hero's all like "I play my Blue Eyes White Dragon in defense position and attack!" and they all act like it was a stunning strategical move.   it's an overly dramatic version of a magic the gathering tournament, which makes it so hilarious.   I play black skull DRAGON IN ATACK MODE NOW BLACK SKULL Dragon ATTACK BLUE EYES WHITE DRAGON   ablterrate   and they EXPLAIN THE RULES BEHIND EVERY SINGLE MOVE.   "My blue eyes white dragon attacks... THE MOON!"   black skull dragon  has  3200 atack points blue Eyes white dragon has 3000 atack points i have the stronger monster by atack points that means you lose 200 life points   no, i play Mystical Swirling Hat Shield to counter that, which increases the Blue Eyes White Dragon's attack by 53...   I play pendulam machine   no   Mysticazl Elf does that   Mystical Elf   i play Flaming Sword of Cheesy Goodness on Blue Eyes White Dragon as my last move, increasing my BEWD's attack by a triumphant 3333 due to my cheescake i'm eating.   I sumon exiodea   autometic win   i play counterspell, discarding it.   yuoo cant   Yes i can. o_O   * DoesNotExist holds up his counterspell.   * DoesNotExist taps two islands...   * DoesNotExist plays counterspell on exiodea...   * DoesNotExist discards exiodea.,   Now then, i play...   * DoesNotExist summons Sephiroth!   I summon Sephiroth in the Lance Bass position, which causes your black skull dragon to commit suicide from the terrible n*sync music.