guy comes in complaining of abdominal/rectal pain all of his vitals look okay no abdominal distension no nauseau/vomiting we go ahead and admit him and during his initial body audit I see scratches and tearing all around his anus so I'm like "have you been raped? or eaten anything unusual?" and hes like "no" so I make him an appointment with radiology and send him down for an Abdominal Ultrasound about 45 minutes later, they're calling me and they're like "OMFG COME DOWN HERE" so I go down and theyre all like white as ghosts I put the film up on the slidr *slider the guy failed to mention that he had ?AN ENTIRE VLASIC PICLE JAR RAMMED UP HIS ASS pickle so, we sent him to surgery and because the lid was off it formed a vacuum and they had a real hard time removing it no, they drilled a hole in it to release the vacuum when they did he hemorrhafed *hemorhagged all he wanted was to have a good time :( first of all if i wanted to have anal sex with a jar i would find one of those plastic ones