-!- Hella has joined #hithere yo screem hi hel yo set me Op nah I won't why not?` you did before man yeh ... that was BEFORE you kicked everyone out becuz they didn't want to talk about their sexual fetishes Hey! I kicked them becuz they were swearing like don't-know-what - and they KNEW this is an PG-13 channel! yah, sure what r u guyz up to THEY DID SWEAR! I JUST KICKED THEM BECUZ THEY WERE SWEARING AND YOU KNOW I HATE SWEARING! forget it bro NOW GODDAMN IT I WANT TO BE A FUCKIN OP BECUZ I THINK I CAN HANDLE THEM COCKSUCKING CUSSERS! OP ME BITCH! -!- Hella has been kicked from #hithere (Reason: No Cussing allowed)