* +ramoth4 slaps politik with an unsigned long double * +politik comes back with a _uint64 uppercut * +ramoth4 pulls out a struct and returns fire * +politik corrupts ramoth's heap * +Fire_Elemental-Coding- ducks to avoid leaked memory * +politik pops Fire_Elemental-Coding- square in the stack * +ramoth4 stuffs politik's face in the bitbucket, and begins to operate on nil pointers * +politik throws uncatchable exceptions around the room * +ramoth4 dodges skillfully with his try-catch block * +politik cuts off ramoth's private member * +ramoth4 encapsulates the wound in a protected class * +politik destroys all foes with up-casts to inappropriate derived classes! * +politik is out of ideas * +politik :: ~politik(); * +ramoth4 declares flipcode his namespace! <+ramoth4> I win! * +ramoth4 beat C++. <+ramoth4> The last guy was hard.