Kaff - can you stop changing your nick. My notify list is about 98MB now, since I simply must know the nanosecond you come online. bayls, thats FUNNY considering you never talk to me :( and dammit, i miss you so much when you're not here. or soemthing. Kaffy - Sadly, that's true. However, I find enough solace staring doefully out the window into the night, illuminated only by the soft haze of my monitor, thinking of you and humming "Soooommeewhere ouuuut theeere..." Then I load up the vast gallery of porn, all carefully edited to include your head with the tampons stuck up your nose on each body, have a brisk pull, then fall into a restful sleep, my own manpaste hardening to a flaky crust as I slumber. aww how romantic *sniff*