...do I have to set the drive to like...master..slave..blahblahblahb...o.O slave look at the jumpers on it there will either be an M or an S, or just mater or slave pop the jumpter on slave jumper* if it's the primary hd, then master Well...Rawr.. I plugged the bitch im in8 in* it rawred at me CLIIIKC CLICKCLIIICCK ..now what? access the bios (either escape, f1 or delete when your computer first powers on) yea.. and? what kinda BIOS do you have? dunno this is on an older machine? 1 year hmmm ok, are you in the bios? ..no That'd require restarting. ... you added this HD with the computer on?! >.> <.< :D ..on your current machine? right now? o.o ..................................................... Run? lowkey: give me the learnin' stick. ... :( The 2x4? * ShadowRage smacks Shempo with a 2 by 4 :( Yea...dumb mistake.. ....you seriously plugged it in with the machine ON?! Possibly harmful? ...... yes very o.o ..it's a surprise your computer didnt explode and kill you in the process.