--> dave (aqeug129@uplink-25D84252.shlb1201.mi.comcast.net) has joined #Uplink --- Ghostalker is now known as Muad /msg nickserv register @comcast..net --- Muad is now known as Muad_dib opps opps indeed yea so whats new? Well --- Muad_dib is now known as Ghostalker <-- Ghostalker (Ghostalker@uplink-1EB07998.lutn.cable.ntl.com) has left #Uplink (Rejoining because of user@host change) --> Ghostalker (Ghostalker@graveyard.net) has joined #Uplink I now have access to your email account That's pretty new <-- Squall has quit (Ping timeout) You have 0 new messages, by the way