(Scorpion): hi (Scorpion): do you spek engl�sh (Scorpion): do you spek turkish (Scorpion): adm�n (Scorpion): #zurna canal for sale ? (Zaphod): You want to buy the channel #zurna? (Scorpion): okey (Scorpion): #zurna canal for sale ? (Scorpion): what good is (Zaphod): Sorry, i dont quite understand you (Zaphod): You want to pay money for the channel? (Scorpion): what good is (Zaphod): what good is ? (Zaphod): that doesnt make any sense (Scorpion): how much (Zaphod): How much will you pay, what is fair you think ? (Scorpion): do you speek turkihs (Zaphod): no (Scorpion): h�ms (Scorpion): sop to add (Scorpion): alo (Zaphod): Hi (Zaphod): how much will you pay? (Scorpion): 10$ (Zaphod): make it $30 and you have a deal (Scorpion): 10$ (Zaphod): No deal (Scorpion): 15$ (Scorpion): ? (Zaphod): $30 is the price (Zaphod): that is a good channel (Scorpion): 20$ ? (Zaphod): ok, ok, its your lucky day, im feeling in a good mood and i just got a new shipment of channels in, �20 is fine (Scorpion): end money (Zaphod): How will you pay (Scorpion): give me check number (Zaphod): lol (Zaphod): im joking with you (Zaphod): Channels are not for sale [(Scorpion): ? (Scorpion): �20 (Scorpion): okey (Zaphod): No sale [(Zaphod): Not selling [(Scorpion): why ? [(Zaphod): Channels are not for sale (Scorpion): oky. (Scorpion): insistenly canal (Scorpion): ? (Scorpion): insistently canal to want? (Scorpion): pls (Scorpion): alo (Scorpion): to speak (Scorpion): plssss. :(