Oh man, I was listening to music today, and I looked up, and all the kids were like ":O" and staring at the teacher, so I took off my music to see what was going on... So I took off the headphones And The teacher was screaming "PUT IT IN HIS MOUTH! PUT IT IN HIS MOUTH!" "GIVE IT TO HIM NOW! GIVE IT TO HIM NOW!" <[Striker]> O_o Oo; :O :O ...o_O And so I was like "What the hell's going on?" And I looked over and she was screaming on the phone. And I just started cracking up But then I found out that it was really sad and it was her son dying and someone had to give him his injection :( But before I heard that, it was the funniest thing ever. <[Striker]> ...well, damn, (He is safe now)