*** O_T_T_E_R Joined #warez/chat �( cAz )�: sup otter �( Mark )�: lol �( Mark )�: you both go to the same university? �( cAz )�: yeah �( cAz )�: hes like 2 feet away from me �( Mark )�: so u still talk on irc? �( cAz )�: no he wants warez too �(�Elf�)� university students trading illegal content.. dont they teach you guys the different between right and wrong in school? :p �( Mark )�: im going to report you casey j and justin for trading illegal content at a university �(@ deTh[aWay] )�: mark �(@ deTh[aWay] )�: you're sitting in a warez channel and threatening to report people for it �( Mark )�: sure �( cAz )�: lol you noticed that too huh? �( Mark )�: im here for the chat �( Mark )�: not for the warez �( Mark )�: ;)