-> *Sea* I'm making services talk and he's so stoned that he thinks he's imagining it :) WE'RE COMING FOR YOU, LIFESPIKE, YOU TERRORIST BASTARD OPER, NO dude IM INNOCENT I SWEAR <@LagServ> YOU'VE BEEN A BAD BOY nooo SOMEBODY CALL KEN SOMEBODY HACKED HIS BOX THE SERVICES ARE ATTAKING ME GREETINGS, JUSTIN! I AM YOUR GUARDIAN SPIRIT! really? YES. I HAVE COME TO TELL YOU OF YOUR QUEST. what do i have to do? You must travel into the wilderness, naked. You must stay there for 18 days. You must fuck every goat you encounter and carry around a bucket of green Jell-O. holy shit, i never knew this was real i'm gonna do that soon, i swear DIE! DIE! DIE! THEYRE TELLING ME TO DIE FUCK THIS IM OUTTA HERE *** Quits: Lifespike Wow. I'd make a hell of a psychologist.