DrP, how the hell are you I am a slave to the money my friend. I am the nine, to, fiver I'm a 7 to sixer Yeah. I'm lost in office space world though. I get home, and have no interest in my home box.  TPS Reports? something like that. that reminds me, my coworker still has my copy of Office Space I pretty much sit at the tv, or I go to the bar with friends at night. go to the bar.  wish i had that time.  you liking the work? Yeah, but...my place is weird. it's like....there's so little to actually DO... but...there's a lot that needs to get done but...only one guy really knows what those items are. so, the only way to get a project is to show interest in it, and to fire off ideas to him, or...in other words...bother him until he gives you something todotofillthevoidOFTHEMOTHERFUCKINGWORKDAY!!!!