<@Infinik> Do you think the Matrix ever gets netsplits? Sure. <@Infinik> Quits: Trinity (smith.matrix.com jackson.matrix.com) <@Infinik> Quits: Morpheus (Quit: Observe the powers of the red pill, bitch) <@Infinik> Smith has been kicked by Neo (Cloner) (-M-a-t-r-i-x-) Heh. Why would you take a pill from a bald black man in the middle of nowhere? Cuz I paid for 'em! there was a flash about that everybody started smiling as he was passing out All your matrix are belong to us. and trinity was just a crossdresser <@Infinik> Haha "The Trinity?" "The Trinity who hacked the IRS d-base?" "That was a long time ago." "I thought you were a guy." "That was a long time ago too."