<[SA]Mastiff> No.  You are underage, and should not drink. <[SA]Mastiff> Go back to playing with Legos. I don't have any Legos =( Fuck you Mastiff, Legos kick ass I set them up as the OPFOR while playing with my Moses Action Figure and army men The Legos lost because moses had the Ark of the Convenant And just like in the Bible it shot lightning and stuff. And then the Army Men put the legos in a concentration camp and that was the end of the Third Reich And THEN Moses beat hitlers face in with the Ten Commandments "Thou Shalt Not Be a Faggotyass Dictator" "Thou Shalt Not Raise the Undead" "Thou Shalt not put foxy agents in skintight leather and give them silenced Sten guns" And then back into the Time Portal he jumped, taking the army men with him! I should film this shit