<@SLing> anyway I love grocery shopping because I get to make my family look like fools <@SLing> the other day we were at the grocery store <@SLing> and the first place was all the melons (like canteloupe, grapefruit, etc) mmhmm <@SLing> anyway I remembered hearing from some TV chef that before buying melons you're supposed to knock on them <@SLing> so <@SLing> I stood there <@SLing> for five minutes <@SLing> knocking on melons <@SLing> people started looking at me strange lol <@SLing> I was like "It's ok, the TV chef told me to" lol <@SLing> I'd knock on one and be like "This one sounds fresh" <@SLing> long story short I don't have to go grocery shopping anymore