<@maddox> FUCK! <@maddox> my mom just found my website <+DMTec> isn't she proud? <+khoveraki> ha <@naken> you've been on tv 2 times, in the newspapers several times, been banned from a country, has 40 million pageviews <@naken> and you didn't tell your mother? <@maddox> "what is this? Did you draw this? It looks like a penis."  "No mom, I didn't draw a penis" <+DMTec> ROFL <+DMTec> "no mom, i didn't draw a penis" thats good <@maddox> now she's crying haha, your mom doesn't know about your website? <@maddox> (on the phone) <+DMTec> maddox: did she see the "suprise - I have a penis"-greeting card? <@maddox> dmtec: oh fuck, I forgot about that.. yeah I guess I did draw a penis. bahahahaha <@maddox> hahahahahaha she just said "I wish I would have died and not raised you" <+khoveraki> rofl <@maddox> she hung up You are dispwned maddox