Kami: if you changed your name to Kame, you would have a much more interesting name :) Dark_Fox: And if you changed yours to Dark_Fax, you'd have a more communicative name. :) * Dark_Fox is now known as Dark_Fax It'd be... 'telecommunicative.' * Dark_Fax makes noises and bitches because he's out of paper ant toner * Oh god, that happened at work today. FEED MEE!!! Nuuuuuuuu * Dark_Fax displays wrong time * * Dark_Fax rings for no reason * * Kami is now known as VCR-clock * Dark_Fax gets a paper jam * * VCR-clock blinks * VCR-clock blinks * VCR-clock blinks * VCR-clock blinks * VCR-clock blinks * VCR-clock blinks PAPPPERRRRR * VCR-clock blinks TOOOOOONEEERRRR * VCR-clock blinks :) * Dark_Fax breaks a bearing and bounces around on the counter * FEEEED ERROORRR!!!! NEED PAPER!! * Dark_Fax rings again for no reason * * VCR-clock blinks some more * SailorV runs and hides becuz there are weirdo's in here * Dark_Fax chases SailorV *  MY PAPER!!! MY PREEESCIOUUUS!! * VCR-clock blinks * VCR-clock blinks EEEE! * SailorV unplugs the VCR * VCR-clock has quit IRC * Dark_Fax is now known as Dark_Fox ok i think ive peaked the humor of that