i'm new to C++ (and C), and I want to learn C++. I've got Visual C++. It seems to me that a lot of stuff compiles even if you mix C and C++ code.. is there any way I can set the compiler in strict C++ mode, I don't want to learn C/C++ mix mode ;) BlastuR: You need a segregating compiler I think the KKK has one on their website. Also, name your functions things like "NoCHere" and "CGoHome" and "CIsTheImpureRace", to let C know that you'll have none of it around. I'm actually working some concentration camps for C right now. * qDotWork is now known as CppHitler BlastuR, you can't compile only C++, as C and C++ overlap a lot. NEIN DAS C++ IST DIE ABSCHLIE�ENDE L�SUNG HEIL