Oh man!  Oh man!  Oh man! I have to tell you people the funniest thing ever. This friend of mine, a theater major, walks into my room.  "Do you have a printer I can borrow?" she says. "Yes," I say, "but it's an old LaserJet 4L.  Is that alright?" "Should be," she responds. Then she hands me this paper.  It's like normal paper, but thicker, and... not friendly. I ask what it is and she says "cardstock." I raise an eyebrow and say, "you do realize that there's no way in hell my printer is going to print on this paper." "Oh." "Well," she says, "could we print it on normal paper and somehow transfer it to the cardstock?" "What, like print it out and literally cut it up and glue it on there?" "No, like, if you printed it out and then stuck it in your scanner, maybe we could print it out again on the cardstock?" wtf She couldn't understand why I was laughing so hard lol that needs to go up on bash. agreed