can anyone think of a good way to appeal and indecent exposure charge.. i can't believe people would actually cite me for that :( dokstarr: how indecent? Dokstarr, say that your clothes had been soaked in some kind of acid i only mooned people from a car windown.. and then at a toll booth mooned people fot a while sunroof can't think of an excuse for that of course you run the risk of people chucking stuff at your naket arse who knew a cop would be waiting a mile down because people called and complained Dokstarr, i think you are screwed dont 136 people have better things to do than call the cops krinos they loved my "arse" they probably took some snapshots people who love an arse don't call the cops -_- lol. when the cop stopped me i thought maybe only 1 or 2 called.. .but 136 they need a life 136 people? yeah i did all the way down the highway.. then at the toll booth.. and then when there was a traffic jam well i am off... gotta think of some sort of plea bargain or something to get it off my record...