Any cat people here? I've got a problem with Nicky... I've been known to be handy with a wok Why, I'm a cat person. I took Morgan to the vet yesterday - he was gone for a total of 45 minutes, got two vaccs and a blood draw. Brought him home and Nicky went BALLISTIC. Spent the rest of the night yowling and hissing and attacking MOrgan. nicky smells the hospital smells on morgan Yeah, I've seen that happen. Is there anything I can do to get the hospital stink off him, then? Pack his carrier in coffe grounds or something? how about a bath just give it a day or so We tried catnip and butter, and neither worked. butter? you buttered your cat? Yes. it's the best way to butter the house. Cats are effective butter delivery units. We read somewhere to put butter on a cat's forehead. did the emolient facilitate insertion? And the other cat licks it off, and likes the first cat, because it tastes like butter. As I said, it didn't work. you read sopmewhere to put butter on the cats foreWHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING rub the two cats together vigorously until they smell like each other piss on them both at the same time KITTY TASTES LIKE BUTTER It's more fun to put tape on their feet. why not do both and then get out the handycam I believe what I was thinking was "Maybe it will work. And even if it doesn't, I get to butter the cat's forehead." AFHV would *love* some footage of sticky-pawed, freshly buttered cats trying in vain to avoid a stream of steaming miller lite You know what helps with feuding cats, Lore? Sending me lots of cash. now, see, I read somewhere -- I think it was leviticus -- that what you should do is frost them betty crocker, right out of the can Chocolate or buttercream? rave: go chocolate, buttercreme isn't pareve you're frosting meat? and then there'a always Cat Wellington "What are you doing in the kitchen, dear?" "Just buttering the cat, pumpkin!" "Why don't you baste the chicken while you're at it, too, dear?" "Baste the ... *light bulb* ...Sure! Sure, I'll 'baste the chicken'!" a google images search for "buttered cat" returns a picture of isaac hayes chocolate salty cat balls