Hey dude I think I left my gamecube there. You didn't. No I really think I did.  I've unpacked, searched my room a few times, and I can't find it.  I have my games and controllers, but not the cube. You've been gone for a week.  I'm quite sure I would have noticed a large purple cube sitting in my own room! Well I don't have it here, which means it has to be there. I can tell you it's not.  I spend at least 4 hours awake in my room every day, I'm in and out of here throughout the day.  I eat here.  I sleep here.  If it were here, I would have seen it, and I'd be having nightmares of this purple Borg-ish cube foating above my entertainment center saying "We are Nintendo.  Your console features and game originality will added to our own.  Resistance is futile" Just check your damn room for it! Fine!  If it'll get you to quit whining. yeah thanks ... Um...so when did you want to come by and pick it up?