lol this arvo some guy started quoting the 2nd amendment at a teacher after knocking some crow out of a tree hahahahaha with a shoe ... seriously he goes "the 2nd amendment states that all citizens have the right and obligation to bear arms" "and shoes" lol "we made it very clear to those terrorists that we would tolerate no more attacks" and lockie here just got shat on" HAHAHAHAHAHHA we have decided it is time to attack with neccessary force to show the crows that we mean business" lol if they hit us" we hit back HARD with whatever comes to hand im holding my nose so i dont burst out laughing here and we cannot be held responsable for a war they started HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA in the war on crowism, ur either with us or ur against us hahahahahahaha thats just so hilarious oh yeah the teacher was in hysterics but the guy got a detention neway hahahaha oh well woulda bn worth it! yeah we were basically on the ground we were laughing so hard hahahahaha and he didn't crack up once and as the teacher leads him away he goes if i didnt want to wake my parents, id b killin myself laughin "u can lock me up, but this war is a neccessary one" oooooooooooooh lol "and one that will be contnued by freedom loving students with shoes everywhere" HAHAHAHHAHA  ROFLMAO