(@sml) jesus (@sml) Bizarre & Weird Porn Links < PenisBot... Fetish Bloody pussy pics of teens changing menstrual tampons & pads, + tampon eating. A Sex With a Twist Interesting and unusual porn - midgets, twins, latex ... (@sml) anytime you think something's too weird to be on the intarweb (@sml) it is there (@sml) and pushing >> 85mbit of movie bandwidth, fo sho (@sml) ugh (@sml) that's fuckin gross, even for me (@mamba_X) tampon eating urk (@mamba_X) way to get your iron i guess (Blaxthos) only someone who has gone down on his girlfriend after pucking her cherry the night before would think of that (@Sabboth) or someone who has earned their red wings (@pachell) that's some fucking filthy shit (@pachell) i'll fuck a bitch on the rag, but that's about it (Blaxthos) it was an accident (Blaxthos) or call it lack of forethought