My god I hate being new clerk at the pharmacy where I work... Today some 80 year old guy comes in with a giant syringe, asking if we had it. The guy handed me it, I took it in my hand, and I looked in every part of the store possible cause I had no clue in hell what it was. So, I go in back and ask the owner if we have it or can order it, still holding it in my hand. The owner then bursts out laughing and point at me, so I go "What's so funny? The guy just wants to order it?" So the owner goes "That's a enema syringe. It's probally been up his ass plenty of times by the color of it!" I then procede to calmly walk back to the front, give the guy his anal sucker back, and the owner then deals with him about ordering it. Meenwhile I put every soap we have on my hands and rub like hell for 20 minutes till my skin is completely raw. And I'm the laughing stock of the store now, and 2 of my relatives work there, so soon my whole family will be laughing at me......